Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Bayford JMI School, 9th March 2009

Present: Michael Wainwright(Chairman), Alan Fitzjohn, Bob Orme, Jackie Fulcher, George William Rowley, Maggie Broomer, (Clerk), + 4 members of the public

Absent: Linda Halsey
1.0 Finance – review of the audit report from BDO.  
1.1 The asset register was reviewed and agreed. This to be done on a yearly basis. In view of the fixed nature of the council’s assets an annual review is considered to be adequate. The following items were added; the various verges, the recreation ground, Bayford Green, The Memorial Hall (insured by the Memorial Hall Committee) and the cricket pavilion (insured by BHNCC). It was also noted that the War Memorial was not insured. Previous administrations had omitted this, after discussion, due to the expense, with the assumption that an appeal/grants would be mounted if repairs were required. It was agreed to obtain a quotation for the inclusion of the War Memorial on the insurance policy. MB
1.2 The risk assessment was reviewed and agreed. This to be carried out yearly and minuted. Noted
1.3 VAT payments were reviewed and agreed. Payments have now increased due to John O’Connor (grass cutting) being VAT registered. The chairman to reclaim VAT from HMCR. The chairman will also contact the secretary of the Memorial Hall in respect of any VAT they may have incurred. This to be done annually. MW
1.4 A reconciliation of all BPC’s bank accounts shall be prepared before each meeting and agreed and minuted. Every payment is to be minuted and unless exceptional circumstances prevail, agreed at a meeting before the payment is made.
1.5 David Latham (DL) has agreed to be the internal auditor. He is considered suitable as he ran a successful business for many years. He is not related to any of the councillors, not a member and has no financial interests in BPC.The annual return will be prepared and ready to be completed and approved at the council meeting on 27th April 2009.It will be handed over to DL by the 30th April 2009. Report back from DL by the 20th May 2009. Available from 26th May – 22nd June 2009Sent off to BDO on 26th June 2009
1.6 It was noted that, whilst the Charity bank account is included in the accounts for 2007/8 this should be excluded this year, as none of the current councillors are trustees of the fund.  
1.7 ‘Restated’ is entered at the top of column 1 in the annual return.  
1.8 Due to the cost of insurance being disproportionate to the risk involved, it was decided not to increase the level of Fidelity Guarantee insurance. In the risk assessment items were minimised so that nothing is put to risk. Noted
1.9 Minutes are now page numbered and each page is initialled
2.0 AOB Noted
2.1 The planning inspectorate re 6c Broad Green Wood has rejected a private appeal. Noted
2.2 A document from Herts Minerals Development Plan has been received. GWR
2.3 LDF bulletin received – BO has reviewed it – no comment. Noted
2.4 CDA newsletter received. Noted
2.5 Rural Parish Conference details for 27.05.09 received. Noted
2.6 Grass Cutting quotes received from John O’Connor at a cost of £1315.79 for the year. Quote from Grass Roots at a cost of £315.00 per cut and £50.00 to maintain the rose triangle. It was agreed to keep the contract with John O’Connor. MB to write and confirm this. Noted
2.7 Details received from CPRE Herts re village of the year. It was decided not to enter. Noted
2.8 Details of application for the installation of an electricity generation plant at Waterhall Quarry received. GWR
2.9 MB updated the councillors re Bayford Station parking problems. All paperwork has been forwarded to Dan Tancock working at EHDC in the transport dept. He said he would be able to put a ‘no parking cage’ in the bus lay-by that will be monitered by traffic wardens. Response still awaited from First Capital Connect. Noted
2.10 Village Tidy Up / Litter Pick confirmed for 29th March 2009. Posters up in the village and GWR has ordered all the necessary items. Noted
2.11 The playground fence and fixings have now been received. It should be started later this week. Peter Musk still running behind. MW to give him a call. MW
2.13 BO queried a planning application in the ‘Mercury’ as being stated in Bayford. No details have been received. It was decided that it was in fact outside our area. Noted
2.14 Litter Picking – job description yet to be finalised by MW. Noted
2.15 The managers of the Baker Arms have asked if they may put up signs to advertise the pub at the bottom of Bayford Lane by the B158 and at the top of Ashendene Road / White Stubbs Lane. The councillors gave their approval. Mr Robb offered for one of the signs to be placed on his land by the B158. AF to inform the publican. Noted
2.16 GWR raised the problem of excessive and unacceptable noise emanating from the (previously named) Granville Steel Quarry for the last few evenings. This is to be reported to the environmental department of EHDC. GWR
3.0 Date and Time of Next Meeting
3.1 There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.20pm. Noted
3.2 The date of the Parish Assembly is to be Monday 20th April 2009 held at Bayford JMI School at 8.00pmDates of Future Meetings are as follows:-27th April 11th May 2009 at 8.00pm – Annual Parish Meeting Noted