e-mail from Mark Prisk. 24/10/2006

Thank you for your emails. Unfortunately I cannot join you that eveing, as the House is sitting and we have important votes.

I had hoped that Cllr. Dorothy Hone might be able to attend on my behalf but she also has prior engagements.

Let me therefore set out some points.

Less than 18 months ago, Ministers signed off the Invest in Your Health programme for Hertfordshire which, amongst other things, sought to replace the QEII hospital with a new general and teaching hospital at Hatfield. The cancer services currently at Mount Vernon would also be transferred to Hatfield.

The QEII would shut and the Lister Hospital become a community hospital, braodly the same size as today.

Earlier this year the size of NHS deficits encouraged the Chancellor to instruct the Department of Health to undertake another review of all secondary health services. The new regional strategis health authorities were instructed to lead the way and that every option would be conisdered.

It then became incrasingly clear to local health managers that reducing the deficit was now more important than any clinical consideration.

In late September the Secretary of Sate for Health met senior health care personnel in Bedford and the conversations that day led senior local clinicians to believe that she was already determined on the course of action: that Hatfield would not be built, that at the very best QEII would be downscaled to a small community facility.

Two senior clinicians called me separately and explained what happened to me.

In the Commons I specifically aslked Mrs hewitt to refute these concerns and she instead ducked the question.

To make matters worse, mrs. Hewitt commissioned 'HEAT' maps to identify the political impact of possible hospital closures. Mrs Hewitt met with the labour Party chairman and her team.

We now know from the Times newspaper that NHS cuts are being pushed away from marginal Labour seats. Hospital closures are twice as likely in non Labour seats as they are in marginal labour seats!

I am lobbying ministers along with my colleagues.

I would urge all residents to write to Mrs.P Hewitt, Secretary of State for Health, Whitehall London and copy their letter to me.

Mark Prisk MP (Hertford & Stortford)
Shadow Minister, Business & Enterprise